Do you have something you’d like to share with EEA members and other readers of the EEA blog? We welcome submissions from EEA members. Our guidelines are as follows.
Please submit from 250 up to 700 word blog contributions that address relevant topics applicable to EEA Enterprise Ethereum Alliance and its ecosystem. Blogs should be non-promotional although may describe vendor products and services, ideally use cases, that provide value to EEA members.
- Step 1: Use the EEA blog submission form to submit your topic idea below.
- Step 2: The EEA blog editorial team will review your topic and respond with suggestions, timing and next steps.
- Step 3: Write and submit your blog and artwork to [email protected] for publication.
EEA Blog Guidelines
- Length: In general, articles run between 250 to 700 words with a few graphics or images. Blog contributions should be submitted to the EEA editorial team using the online form for the appropriate review before starting an article. You will be notified with guidelines, timing and next steps.
- Publication Date: Typically blog articles will be posted in order by reception date. We will send contributers the URL when the article is posted.
- Audience: Authors should keep in mind that the EEA blog audience consists of members as well as Enterprise Ethereum blockchain leaders, developers as well as industry analysts, academic institutions, regulators, etc. Ideally, the EEA blog will appeal to prospective enterprises considering or implementing EEA compliant blockchain solutions.
- Topics: The EEA encourages authors to propose a short abstract in advance of writing an article. The EEA recommends authors focus on topics that examine the benefits of EEA’s standards-based approach, highlight the Enterprise Ethereum ecosystem or spotlight potential use cases (across any vertical market segment) that may benefit from EEA-related architecture, communications protocols, specification, or activities being conducted by an EEA Special Interest Group or EEA Technical Working Group. Please keep in mind that posts should not be overly promotional about a company’s product or service. Rather, posts may be informative about a company’s product or service when used to explain use case applications or to provide a general purpose example.
- Publication Rights: By submitting a blog for publication, the author gives the EEA permission to publish the article on its website, newsletter and across social channels. If your article has been previously published, we will consider republishing if (an) the author controls or can arrange the necessary rights for the EEA to reuse the content indefinitely with any existing copyright holder.