The opinions expressed in EEA Community Projects blog posts are solely those of the Community Projects authors. They do not represent the opinions or stances of the EEA, its members or its Board.
The Current State of Layer 2 Bridges
By Dr. Andreas Freund (Co-Chair) on behalf of the EEA Community Projects L2 Standards Working Group We live in a multi-chain world, with billions of USD in asset value locked in 100+ chains. And the owners of those blockchain assets behave just like they would [...]
A DeFi Conundrum: L2s are Awesome but not yet for Real Financial Assets
The difficulties migrating digital assets such as bonds or NFTs with residual payments between different L1 or L2 chains Authors: Andreas Freund, L2 WG Co-Chair, on behalf of the EEA Community Projects L2 Working Group Introduction We all know that Web3 will rule the world, despite consumers addicted to the [...]
Microsoft Excel is Now Baselined
In December, 2021, the Core Developer Community of the Baseline Protocol, an EEA Community Project, Demonstrated How to Baseline an Excel Spreadsheet with Other Systems of Record Nearly 35 years since its advent, Microsoft Excel is now a staple for many organizations. It’s used to input, manage, store, report and [...]
New EEA Community Project: Standards for Layer 2 Blockchain Scalability Solutions
Your help is needed to develop L2 Standards and Best Practices – Join Today As Ethereum’s popularity continues to increase, the importance of scalability grows ever more apparent. Inability to scale means frustrating network congestion and delays on advancements, which negatively impact all Ethereum users. Layer 2 Solutions such [...]
Baseline Knowledge: Getting Acquainted with the Baseline Protocol
If you’re tuned into EEA news, you’ve likely heard a lot about EEA Community Projects recently. Born out of a partnership between the EEA and OASIS Open, EEA Community Projects is now the hub for Ethereum-related community-driven business standards development and project advancement. It’s a community that is dedicated [...]
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Content must use professional language throughout.
Content must be topical and relevant to EEA Community Projects.