Our Focus
The EEA DeFi Risk Assessment, Management and Accounting group was formed to address the lack of appropriate, widely-accepted frameworks for identifying and understanding risks associated with DeFi protocols, and the resulting lack of common assessment and accounting criteria for DeFi Assets.
The Working Group developed the EEA DeFi Risk Assessment Guidelines describing the various risks in greater detail, strategies that can help mitigate those risks, and important factors to review to ensure that an investment is being managed appropriately.
EEA Publications
DeFi Risk Assessment Guidelines - Version 1 17 July 2024
The DeFi Risk Assessment Guidelines provides helpful information about the types of risk that DeFi protocols can present to investors, ways to assess the risk, and possible mitigation strategies.
Version 1 is available at https://entethalliance.org/specs/defi-risks/v1/.
Documents in Development
DeFi Risk Assessment Guidelines
The Working Group plan to update the Guidelines based on experience applying them, new developments, and feedback received. The Editor's draft is publicly available, as the latest "work in progress" for an eventual new version.
Other Resources
Risk Rank Survey
The Working Group invites DeFi investors and developers to complete a short survey, providing some basic statistical information about the responders, and ranking the importance of a dozen potential risk factors described in the survey. The information informs the group's work on identifying risk factors, and responses will only be released in anonymised form if at all.
If you are interested in talking through the survey with a Working Group member, providing more detailed feedback that can be used to improve our understanding, please Contact Us.
Navigating Risks in DeFi
A recorded webinar by Jerome Ostorero (DRAMA WG co-chair) and Chaals Nevile (DeFRAG editor) produced by QualitaX. Approximate running time 54 minutes.
How to Contribute
The Group invites all DeFi investors to complete our survey on the importance of different potential risks.
For information on how to join the group, see Contact Us below:
Specifications & Guidelines Development
As an EEA member You can contribute by joining and getting involved in our weekly calls, and by writing, reviewing and providing feedback on draft documents.

Dmytro Budorin
Дмитро Будорін

Jerome Ostorero
Contact Us
If you are interested in the work of the EEA DeFi Risk Assessment, Management and Accounting WG and would like to contribute, or if you have questions for the Working Group,
Non-EEA Members:
please contact: [email protected]
EEA Members:
Please contact the EEA Secretariat or your EEA Member Council representative.