The Ethereum OASIS Open Project was created as an OASIS Open Project to provide a neutral forum for diverse stakeholders to create high-quality specifications that facilitate Ethereum’s longevity, interoperability, and ease of integration. The initiative was founded by the Ethereum Foundation, the EEA, and ConsenSys and its sponsors include Accenture, Chainlink, ConsenSys, the EEA, EY, Morpheus Network, Nethermind, Provide, Splunk and Unibright.
As one of the original founders, the EEA has been involved in the Ethereum OASIS Open Project since its inception in 2019. In addition, EEA Executive Director Dan Burnett is the Chair of the Governing Board, a position which he will continue to hold moving forward.
As the EEA Community Projects, the Ethereum OASIS Open Project will continue sponsoring projects, such as the Baseline Protocol initiative, and will continue to permit frictionless engagement between developers who are actively contributing to developing clear, open standards, first-rate documentation, and shared test suites that facilitate new features and enhancements for the Ethereum ecosystem. Today, hundreds of companies and thousands of individuals are actively participating in the initiative.