This move strengthens and supports community work by ensuring there is a central location where Ethereum-related open source standards can be developed by the community under a transparent, internationally recognized process, and that the work of the community can be safely and freely implemented. As the EEA Community Projects, the Ethereum OASIS Open Project program will continue to provide support for open source development of code, APIs, standards, and reference implementations. EEA Community Projects gains a proven program, as the Ethereum OASIS Open Project builds on 25+ years of OASIS experience in collaborative development and its global reputation and relationships. Deliverables produced in Open Projects have an optional path to ratification by de jure bodies such as ISO, IEC, and ITU as well as recognition from governments in policy and procurement.
The EEA has been closely involved since the beginning and was one of the first organizations involved in the Ethereum OASIS Open Project program. The EEA’s input has been valuable in refining the program. EEA members alongside the EEA Mainnet Working Group have continued to collaborate on the ways in which tools like Baseline can deliver value to consumer-facing industries through peer-to-peer transactions and services and now both communities are coming together.